About Our Joy-filled Noise:
Faith United Church of Christ is a young congregation (founded in 1997) filled with people of God from all walks of life. If we can borrow an advertisement from our National U.C.C., “Our faith is over 2,000 years old… our thinking is not!” As many people as we have in the pews and the pulpit, that’s how many differing opinions we have on any given subject. We are “one in the Spirit”, we don’t take ourselves too seriously, and we can approach God in love and laughter as well as humility and truth.
When we were four separate congregations (read our History page), Rev. Horace Sills, from our National Church staff came to help us. He commented, “This is a church that knows how to have fun!” and we do! We have never officially voted to become Open and Affirming, but we live it. Come and join us as we “make a joyful noise!”
Worship Service:
  • 10:00 am Sunday Worship (1 hour every weekend)

Our Pastors:

  • Robert B. Peiffer, Ph.D. 
  • Lynne Wallace
    • Lay Pastor 
    • 570-401-3737

Our Staff:

  • Building Superintendent: Linda Eigenbrod 
  • Outreach Contact: Becky Bredbenner
  • Prayer Circle: Karen Herb  (570-956-8370)
  • Music Director: Kelly Eichhorst
  • Historian: Becky Bredbenner
  • Church Secretary: Connie Stephens
  • Financial Secretary: Donna Otter
  • President of Congregation: Brain Kunetz
  • Vice President of Congregation: Fred Herb
  • Secretary of Congregation: Charlie Karchner
  • Book Keeper: Donna Otter

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Remember.. “No matter who you are, or where you are in life’s journey, you are welcome here!”

About Us